Thursday, July 23, 2009


I got the job! I interviewed this morning and it went awesome! I will be working at Central Elementary School in Putnam City. I start on August 3rd for training. That is till the 5th. Then I will go to Hawaii to see my Honey. We will leave together on the 11th. (He is never to really leave my side ever again!) We will arrive in OKC on the 12th. I will go to work for the year on the 13th!

I know only I would plan something like that.

But I am totally ecstatic about my new job. Love my new principal and new co-workers already!

I cannot wait to see what God has in store for my life this year!

Monday, July 20, 2009


I have a job interview! I'm so excited. Apparently I have been getting anxiety attacks the last few weeks due to stress. I get myself a little worked up about not having a job yet since school starts in a few weeks. So I have applied for over 30 more jobs in the last few days. One of the principals called me today for an interview. I'm so excited!

I don't know anything about this part of town but its in Putnam City and not too far of a drive from Edmond. I'll let you know how it goes!!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Family Time!

I know it has been forever since I have written anything. I have really been enjoying my time in America thus far. I have been spending a lot of time with family. I haven't really seen many friends yet. That will come. I have been relaxing and unpacking! Here are some pics to show what I've been doing.

my first time meeting my cousin Jarrah, grandbaby #56, I think
Noah and Sara at the dance studio taking Hip Hop

I love these cousins, Noah and Jarrah.
FYI their momma, my aunt is 20 months older than me!
Happy 4th! My family at the 4th of July parade
After the parade at the McFarlin's for a pool party. My sis Sara, bro Bub and his lovely girlfriend Lauren.
Last night we went to see some of our friends in the musical Music Man. It was a great show! Here is my whole family!
my parentals. I like them
Bub and Lauren