Thursday, August 23, 2007

Feeling the Love!

I'm here!! It is so wonderful. I have been showered with blessing every moment upon my arrival. I am so thankful that I have the opportunity to watch the Lord as He is faithful in always taking care of me. Not only has He provided for all of my need but has gone above and beyond with the hospitality I have been shown. As I am beginning to move in and seeing MES today, it is feeling more like home. I cannot wait to fully begin my journey. I can't lie, I am feeling pretty lucky! My life is just wonderful. I am so thankful that I followed to Lord's calling and came here. I would have been missing out on so much. Soon we should have internet in our apt and I can upload some pics. If not I will just head down to McDonalds! Free Wi Fi!

Thank you so much for you comments and prayers, they are so encouraging!

-My health, not to get to exhausted and get sick while getting over jet lag.
-My fear that I will be a bad teacher. I know it sounds crazy but I just hope they can understand me and I can show them the Love of Christ.
-To get all settled in before school begins!

I love you all!


Emily said...

Hi Dana this is actually James and Emily. Glad you made it safely! The idea of a REAL McDonald's with beef makes me jealous. :)

Traci said...

Im glad you made it there ok!